Tech Over Your Life; a strange name for a blog, I thought it quite catchy, let me explain....
You know how a computer seems to dominate your life? Or how technology seems to permeate into every part of our lives - even my computer phobic mum has recently bought a "computerized" sowing machine and washing machine - none of which are likely to last more than five minutes.
My blog will skip in and out of the uses and misuses of technology as I play around with the various toys I manage get my hands on.
But not only that, a blog is often like a diary, or a personal reflection of the way you perceive things. So my chosen name is "tech" being written "over" the course of a lifetime.I hope you will see a method in my madness!
At the birth of tech-over-your-life, I am counting down the last days till I return home to Britain, possibly for good. My contract at the Nanjing Medical University has come to an end and I am at a cross roads in my life.
After spending two years in China, my "back in the cradle of knowledge" blog aims to follow my transition back to UK life (that is if I ever do) and reflect on my feelings about living in my home town. This will be made available for my Chinese and international students who constantly harangue me about what life is like back home in Cambridge.
This blog "my Chinese life" does what it says on the tin. It is designed to show articles I have written and viewpoints noted down while in Nanjing. The blogs are designed mainly for my friends back in England as well as my dear Chinese friends and international friends who (I sincerely hope) will enjoy to read them.
I am confident there will be something interesting if you stick around! A big thank you for all my student's support in the last weeks of me being here. I learnt so much about you as well as myself through your efforts!
So welcome all, and 欢迎你们