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Hello Sturat. Your Blog about your early life sounds great, and the photographs are really cool. Your childhood environmnet is envious: a loving mother; a father who took you on long walks; a sister who made car posters for your bedroom walls; color TV's,: fast cars and the beautiful countryside environment. No wonder why you turned-out handsome and bright!

Your Blog is refreshing because it doesn't have any complaints. Usually people complain that their father was a thief, their mother was a bona-fide wino, their sister was a klepotomaniac (either this, or just completely absent from their lives), their homes back-to-back gardenless terraced housing, and so on.

In fact your photographs and early life story are so good, that it does make one wonder whether you are not just making it up.

I do have some worries I would like to share with you: (1) You mentioned the fact of a "mobile photographer" I am a little confused about this. Do you mean that a cripple in a wheelchair took the photograph? If so, I know the man. He also takes photographs of us but usually the photographs show only our knee joints and they aren't usually heirloomed. (2)The picture of the verdant meadow and the wooden fence seemes a little too Photoshopped, too. I mean was it really as lovely as that? I can't see any people in the picture. The parks near us have the "Deriks" (people who sell drugs and guns), but your pictures don't have them. Accordingly I am a little suspicious. (3)Is that lake related to the local wastewater recycling projects? For I do not see any waterfowl or fishes in it. In my part of the world in lakes like that there is usually at least one rusty car or an old bed. In fact on closer inspection of the Photograph of the lake I think can see where you have Photoshopped out the carcass of a floating dog. But I maybe wrong. It may be the carcass of a Derik. Anyway I will not probe any deeper, and who am I to question whether nyour entire life story is true or false (false!).

I will write again, but thanks for sharing your "life story".

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