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Interesting story. Of greater interest is your summarizing remark that you are now "better informed" about purchasing bikes in China. But this, I opine, is merely wishful thinking. I am quite sure that any future bike purchase you make will present new and so-far unconfronted concerns. This is because you have not mentioned my own problems and issues when purchasing a bike made in China.

For example you may perhaps buy a bike that has only recenetly been stolen; or perhaps you may buy a bike that has been GLUED together. One of the bikes I purchased in China was of the kind that had a middle springbar seat. You sat on the saddle and the spring within the bike-frame allowed you to ride in springy comfort. At the bikeshop I was sold on tyhe idea and bought one, complete with box-wrapping. But when I got it home the spring had been painted on and it was just a normal bike.


Pedals were a problem for me too; and China is the only place in the world where you can point to a broken pedal and they change, at great expense, the bycycle basket over the front wheel.


One thing to remeber, that I have learned , is that if you take your bike in to be reparied, watch it like a hawk. For they will change or swap out good parts for plastic bogus parts.

After my many problems with bikes in China I gave up the idea and now ride the bus. Riding bikes is fun but a puncture is the catalyst for a nightmare experience.

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